Michèle Matyn

Michèle Matyn
Vulva Island
Bichterweerd is a true nursery for nature. Rare species such as the gray bunting, bank swallow and yellowhammer are at home here. Belgian artist Michèle Matyn (°1978) designed four binoculars that allow you – just like the birdwatchers who often take up post here – to scan the surroundings.
Water as a source of life
Those who peer at the island see six green-red figures. Although the six sculptures have an egg shape, their green and red colors are more reminiscent of a watermelon. This association seems far-fetched but is far from it: in art history watermelons frequently appear as fertility symbols. This probably has to do with the fact that watermelons grow tremendously fast and are packed with water. Desert travelers even take them along as water bottles. In this way, Matyn’s sculptures symbolize not only nature on the nesting island, but also water as a source of life.